For what its worth

“I have been asked before by those that I still call brothers “When will I come back to the fold?” “Was all the time that I gave in service to our country worth leaving due to the scandals of our current government?” “When I was so invested in my career, when I was paid so well and so close to getting the retirement?” “Was it still worth it to leave”

All that I have done was worth it to learn this, the truth. Our politicians who call themselves our leaders do not care for the sons and daughters of America who so valiantly pour out their life’s blood for the preservation of our freedom. We could bleed our last it would not matter. We could pour the blood of our warriors into the earth and all that grows in the hunger for more. We are no longer lead by valiant men who seek honor through combat in arms nor nobility of virtue through the trials of endurance of faith. We served to feed the hunger of wealthy men who have become monsters in our eyes and use our fighting men as its teeth. No more. Even if we all chose to leave the service of these villains it will make no difference. Even if you defang the viper it’s mouth is still filled with venom.

Brothers, we have served men who serve themselves. Just as they serve us as a multiple course meal into the jaws of death. No more. I refuse to put on the yoke of service again for the masters who crack the whips over our heads like if we are their hunting dogs to be driven to the prey. We may never know peace in our time but we can at least chose who to follow and what wars to fight. Alex Jones was right, this is now an information war but its really more than that. This is a war of competing intelligence. Their’s versus our’s. Ask yourselves this my friends, when was the last righteous war? Will we sit by now and wage the next unholy war against our citizens due to the matter of differing opinions? Do these masters of the pen, who write at their own discretion unconstitutional laws and save themselves from the crimes they commit, really hold sway on the warrior? Has our own ethos as warriors really become so satisfied with a pension that these elitist can convince we the warrior class to bend to the bow of “duty” and let loose arrows of treachery and sedition against our own countrymen? No more.

Notice how these scoundrels get away with breaking their own laws and turn a blind eye to criminal acts from their own minions but put upon us, the Patriot, the full might and weight of their prosecution for crimes not equal to their own? When did “We the People” decide that a congress of tyrants could make themselves crown-less kings and queens of our nation? Was this the intended actions of our fore-bearers? No, it wasn't and they warned us about these days and these people.

No more. You have a choice now. We understand the truth of the matter as a nation now. What will we give, as a nation, to our children? Will our children inherit a country deprived, depressed, craven, and full of empty dreams? How will our children grow abundantly while slaving in the ashes of a crumbling empire that was left in the wake of these so called leaders? What fruit can be harvested in the lands of desolation? At this rate when the last elders of our children generation die, they may not even be known as Americans? Will we instead be known as the useful tools of destruction, employed by a conglomeration oligarchs and a federation of foreign business interest? I say, no more to that folly.

These reprobates have bartered the strength of our nation for their own desires and false promises but our strength is still ours and our iron is still true. We who are brothers in arms know the truth of iron sharpening iron. We know the true cost of sacrifice. Just as every father and mother who lost a child in combat knows the truth. To end this I say that we Americans should choose freedom and every bloody cost that comes with it. Freedom, the act of living freely in a society, is worth it. Cling to freedom. Our free nation dangles on the cliff’s edge and depends on the grasp of the American Patriot.


Presence and Intimidation


The price of freedom is high