Presence and Intimidation
The art of presence and the use of intimidation which is also an art, is how kingdoms and empires maintain themselves.
The Alien Religion, Cults and Secret Societies
Cults and Secret Societies. We’re just scratching the surface of this information.
Flat Earthers
I’m going to start addressing flat earthers as fake news. Not because it is easy but because it is fun. -Maybe JFK
Tides of War
“Those who are able to see beyond the shadows and lies of their culture will never be understood. Let alone believed by the masses.” -Plato
The Right to War
Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.-Voltaire
Nightmares and Hope
There’s plenty of bad things in the world. Be the exception, show those living in the ignorance of fear that there is still good left in the world.
What comes after the next world war?
What did you expect, for the world to go easy on you? Knuckle up and get to work.