The Uninitiated

In the eyes of the uninitiated, this world would seem very confusing. However, to the initiated, we recognize the other players in the game. The average person, does not understand the depth of depravity that lurks in the hearts of some of the initiates. Consider this, if you have a coin and one side of this coin in blackened by evil, then the other side must be shiny and bright with no imperfections, right? It should be simple black and white, Good and Evil, the Dark and Light. Its a wonderful story to tell to children and the naive. However, in reality, those of us who are the initiated see the world in a gray fog with episodes of day light and full eclipses. For those who have willfully stained their hands in the darkness of this world, just so others can keep theirs clean, well we have a much more jaded outlook on life. I don’t expect to be understood by the masses for my language or actions. Nor will I conform to the ideas of a group who expect you to be the vision of christian perfection and then hold you to every standard they break while in their own confidence of no one else knowing their secret little sin. Hypocrisy. One of the many nails in the coffin of the average christian who won’t even keep themselves accountable for their own actions, yet throw fiery darts at anyone they deem “not christian enough”. It’s for reasons like this, that I have separated myself from the greater herd of sheep. I’ll share with you an inner hatred of mine for the term “sheepdog”. This term is analogous with being a patriot, warrior, veteran, defender of the flock and also obedient to the masses. I refuse that anecdotal title. I am no dog to be taught to come to heel by the masters in the herd. I have but one master and He did not fashion me after a dog. I am and have always been the wolf stalking at the edge of the forest line. To many I frighten and to most I am misunderstood but to the initiated in the violence of this world, I am well understood. The sheep are being lead to slaughter by the false Shepards in your midst yet many of you sheep are worried about the wolves. God made men like me predators of other men, he made into a wolf. As a young man I was thrown into a pack of wolves and I came out as one myself, I am not ashamed of that nature. God made men like me because the best defense against evil men are good men who are skilled at violence and it is that element of violence that separates me from the sheep, the uninitiated. I, like my brother wolves, refuse to come to heel. I will never be your “sheepdog”. Sometimes, it takes a wolf to hunt a wolf. Now then, just because my nature is feral and a bit coarse does not mean than I am not faithful to my God. I am an outcast, an outlier, separated by the flock because the sheep’s opinions are typically not very becoming to my kind. I accept that as I accept the role that Christ has me playing. My fellowship is not done in the walls of church very much. Instead, it is done while serving him out in the darkness, stalking the hunters of the flock, in dangerous places, with dangerous men that God has raised for his army. Running with the pack. Sounds cliche I know, but to the initiated, it’s the truth. We play our role. We use the gifts God has given us.

The Bible warns of wolves in sheep’s clothing praying on the weak. “Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves”-Matthew 7:15. Lucky for me I am no prophet nor do I seek the titles of such but wolves do get a bad rap now, especially in the scriptures. However, that title is very specific to the spiritual leaders in the flock. Take a look around and tell me who are you worried about that, the man leading you to hell while telling you how much money it takes for you to spend to be saved? Telling you how much you should bend your knee to the Pharos of America? Teaching you how to be cowardly before God or lying you to hell with false man made doctrine? Or, are you more worried about that intimidating hard man who carries the sword. Your eyes deceive you most times until you go up and introduce yourself to these men and you get to know them. True protectors have a paternal protection in them that can be just a vicious as any in wolf but the jackals are the ones wearing expensive suits and acting like celebrities. No man of God was treated or admired as a celebrity in the Bible except for Christ, who they also killed.

I do not believe that my task on this earth is to be the overly used term “watchmen”. I want to win souls for christ but I take his word out to the tree line, where the flock typically won’t go. I want to show the men of war, the hard men that were cast out by this modern weak society, that there is another way and a savior who accepts them for what they are. It is Jesus who takes the wolves, into the flock and thus taming us. It is the Lord who shows the path to redemption to those who only ever saw the worst part of society. Now some men need relatable examples to be shown that it is ok to take this journey of becoming a Christian. Many men feel that becoming a christian means that you will become weak and no longer masculine but on the contrary, God emboldens the men of war and valor. The problem in modern christianity right now, is that it IS polluted with weak men who claim to fight for christ but when the bell of war is rung, will these men answer the call or give you bible verse to excuse their reason for not committing to action. Many of those men, call themselves the “sheepdog”. I want to give a very fine example of a modern christian warrior, actually I’ll give you two. Jamie Walden of Omega Dynamics and John Lovell of Warrior Poet Society. I’ll take the fellowship of two men like that over a mega church any day of the week. They say what they mean and mean what they say. Christians should attempt to do the same thing. We are all citizen soldiers in the Kingdom of God but were are not all warriors by nature and there is nothing wrong with that. This isn’t a cast system, where there are different levels of who is the “better christian” here. We all have roles here in the service of Jesus, find yours and play your part. My roles have been switched now. I was once the wolf stalking the sheep, then I was saved and became the wolf that hunts the other wolves. Jesus gave me my role to play and now it all makes sense. Through my varying experiences in life I know how to better protect the flock. Its that simple. Some of us are the wolves that stalk the deeper parts of the forest of life that many are too afraid to venture int, be grateful that some men were willing to put there life on the line for the flock. My thanks to all the combat veterans of our many wars and to all police officers serving their communities and the nation. The body of christ could use a few more “hard men” and a little less Joel Olsteen.

I want to leave you with this, you cannot legislate the evil out of this world ladies and gentlemen. In the end your going to have to give good men guns and set them loose. Woe unto those poor fools who tempt the dangerous man to pull his sword who seeks to die a warriors death. Fear pushes some men to run and some to reload. We are talking about wolves and lions. Ill take the righteous men who’s characteristics are most common with the wolf and lion who aren’t afraid to hoist the black flag of death defend his nation with his dying breath over the cowardly key board warriors and pretend men. Give me that company of hardened determined men who believe in righteous violence and I’ll show you how to prosecute the evil in this country. One day, on that day of infamy, people in this country will be shown just how scary this world can be and you will look to the hardened men to protect you. Beware the darkness that lives in good men who will commit horrific atrocities to protect those he loves. People cry out for angels to protect them forgetting that it was the damned who have been doing it for centuries. The lost and the damned. The damned infantryman and this ewho support their missions, the damned cops who patrol your streets and borders, the damned fathers and mothers who said no to the NWO agendas and took a hard stand in the face of evil, to those lost to the pages of history! Who brought horrific violence to evil men just so that people can sleep comfortably at night in this country. Your actions will dictate whether dangerous men come with you, or for you. However, people in this country have lost respect for those who actually protect them. There’s a company out there called 556 productions who absolutely motivates me and I’ve used many of their great quotes here. Let me end this rant with this and its a response to an email that I received about Friday’s podcast Episode 92.

“Your language is absolutely filthy and in the gutter. Get off this quality network. You do not belong here! I just stopped listening. Go somewhere where you can cuss like the reprobate you appear to be..and stop calling yourself “Christian”! I will complain to Global Star and to Dave Hodges. These are good people and you do no belong among them! War veteran, patriot and FORMER listener

P.S. You’ve found the key to self-destruct and relegate yourself to insignificance and oblivion.”

So, I’m kind of an asshole. I’m a “reprobate” because I may cuss a little too much from time to time. But the I’m the kind of “reprobate” that holds the door open for the old people, still says “sir” and “ma’am”, and keeps the crayon drawings my kids give me. I don’t filter anything but my coffee and I don’t have the patience for lazy, selfish people or weak feminine men who are so deeply bothered by swear words. I love my country and shooting bad guys in the face for it and if that means I get called a “reprobate” because of my poor choice of using descriptive words well…DEAL WITH IT. Sorry of the cussing, I’ll try to clean it up, some.

P.S. The new world order can still kiss my ass, I’m not taking their mark of the beast.


Tides of War


The Right to War