Tides of War
History will forever stand as a wellspring of truth, foretelling the doom that comes should we remain ignorant of its lessons. Has anyone else noticed there is still a war in Ukraine against Russia? Has anyone else asked themselves “what is the catalyst for our eventual involvement in this conflict?” I am of the opinion that it will not be innocent blood crying out from the ruble of their bombed homes in Ukrainian city and villages. It will be American investors foreign interest(s). It will be to secure the secrets of the Biden, Romney, Kerry, and Clinton crime families. Either they are letting the evidence be destroyed or they have confidence that during this “invasion” that their dirty little secrets will be located and destroyed by their loosely contracted employees. Putin is now considered a “war criminal” by many leaders of many EU nations and our own. His country is being targeted by the WEF and a collective attack on Russia’s economy is on going. That will force Russia to extremes that I’m sure the WEF is expecting and prepared for. If anything, a Third World War will help to guide their way into full spectrum dominance of the worlds economy. Which is why we keep hearing about a government backed digital currency. A world wide currency. Lead by a New World Order. Order out of Chaos. Putin used to be part of the WEF. He isn’t anymore and he is going completely against the grain of the NWO’s nation destroying policies. I think that’s why Putin is being confronted on the global stage like he is. That and he wants his economy to be backed by gold, which threatens the Petrol Dollar.
I for see in the next year a realigning of alliances and economies. If our USD (U.S. Dollar) is above .85 cents by next January then I’m going to be shocked. Put your money into smart assets like raw land, precious metals, firearms, body armor, emergency food, livestock, farm equipment and learn how to be self reliant. Also, consider investing in a local farm. I believe one of the best ways to beat the failing economy is for a suburb, city, town, parish or county to be self reliant as much as possible. Invest in your local areas. Invest in farmers and ranchers. Get your community involved. Start your own farm to market shops and sell local produce locally at reasonable costs. In this way you can build up the commodity of good neighbors and strong relationships. That’s how you invest in your security. Invest in your neighbors and your community. Become involved in your community but stay away from the government lead stuff. Use your God given discernment and investigate all these mostly wasteful actions your community government is taking on your behalf.
If that doesn’t suite you then invest in land around lakes, creeks, rivers ect. Find raw land or barely developed land near places where people will want to move out to and just sit on it. Eventually it will be worth much much more than you bought it for because the only thing we can’t create in this country, is land. If Americans invested in America more, we would be a much more desirable country. The next war we get into will bankrupt our economy and the world is headed for that next big war.
Friendly reminder, the government will not save you from a failed economy nor will they save you from a total collapse. The govenerment stood by, cheering and clapping, as our country went into lock down and our cities were burned and looted by the BLM riots. They will not save you from the coming economic collapse either. That’s why the elite are rich, they invest in ways you can’t due to their connections in politics.
The government is not here to save you from disaster. Save yourself, invest wisely.